Progressive Sales Co. (813) 949-1981

-------->Space Utilization, Organization, Product Movement, Safety Products

Frick Gallagher

Frick Gallagher Shelving, Bins and Rotabins 

We can help you with any particular part or accessory you are in need of including
dividers, clips, posts, rotabin bearings, pans, we have it all!

Frick Gallagher had been in business around for over a hundred years. What happened to the business, was never disclosed.  They used to produce shelving (which we can still obtain) and Rotabins. Rotabins are now made by Durham Manufacturing. You may recall these units that were in hardware stores that held nails in them with the scale on the top.  These spinning units utilize cramp spaces or corners that are hard to get to for small parts and storage.

The only product that we cannot get anymore from Frick Gallagher is their pallet rack line.  It was called ‘storack’ and Durham made it when they bought the ‘Rotabin’ line.  It must have not been profitable for them, as it was discontinued after a few years.  It was a good product, and I wish they still produced it.